I'll start back with my second to last weekend here. It was our last weekend all together. On Saturday, Liz, from the ward in Cambridge, drove some BYU students to the London temple. It was really nice of her to organize the whole thing and it was so great to go to the temple. Brandi, Dani, Evan, Jeff and I went, along with Katrina, one of the young single adults in the ward. We drove there in the morning and then ate lunch in the temple. The food was delicious. Then we did a session of baptisms. The font was beautiful and it was such a wonderful experience. It felt so peaceful to be in the temple and feel the Spirit so strong. I miss being so close to the temple in Provo. After baptisms some of the group went to do an endowment session while Dani, Katrina, and I walked around the grounds. The temple grounds are beautiful and it was a great opportunity to walk and think and relax before a crazy last week.
The next week I had a paper for my monsoon research, a homework assignment for fluid dynamics, and a paper and a final for my British sports class. So I spent a lot of time in my room and in the library but miraculously (though with very little sleep) I finished everything. It felt so good to have it all done.
Thursday, after finals, we had the last formal of the programme and a farewell party. The formal was fun and the food was good. It's kind of sad I won't get to dress up and go to fancy dinners every week anymore.
After the formal the TAs threw a farewell party, HMS PKP (PKP stands for Pembroke-King's Programme). One of the guys in charge, Joey had given a speech at orientation about how "This is not a cruise" and it became a theme for the summer. The party was fun, but after awhile the smell of alcohol everywhere I turned started giving me a headache so we left. All summer long we had walked by this building and wanted to climb and take pictures and so we did.
And then a bunch of BYU students took our last trip to the Trailer of Life. It's a trailer that sells chips and burgers and is the only food place open past 10 p.m. and therefore a place frequently visited by PKP students.
The next morning I said goodbye to my bedder, Jane. She is really cute and took care of me all summer. She was reluctant to let me take a picture of her but I think she looks very cute.
That morning we took Brandi to the train station and said goodbye. It was very sad to say goodbye but hopefully I'll make it to Switzerland soon to visit her.
Later that day we walked to Granchester. It's a small town about a half an hour walk from Cambridge. There is an orchard there where the Bloomsbury group (a group of mostly Cambridge students who all became famous writers and artists) met to drink tea and talk. It's a beautiful little town and I felt very British sitting in the Orchard and eating a scone.
That night, Dani and I walked around Cambridge for a bit to get gelato at our favorite gelato place. I got a burger at Gourmet Burger Kitchen. It was a bacon avocado burger and it was delicious--one of the best burgers I've ever had. And it was huge.
The next morning I took Dani to the bus stop and then took pictures of King's. It was early in the morning so it was quiet and a perfect morning to just walk around one of my favorite places in the world and take in how beautiful it all is.
I spent the rest of Saturday finishing things up and packing. That night I watched Chariots of Fire with some friends. It was fun watching it in Cambridge and recognizing where scenes were filmed (the scene where they race around the Trinity courtyard isn't actually at Trinity. The college wouldn't let them in to film it). Sunday, I went to church, finished packing, and said goodbye to Cambridge.
I love Cambridge. I can't believe the summer is over. Goodbye dear, Cambridge. I will return someday.