so i was looking at my past posts and realized, (1) i haven't posted in almost two months, and even when i did, (2) i haven't posted pictures in several months (maybe that means i just need to go back to england so i'll have things to take pictures of) and (3) they are all about school and how much i'm obsessed with chemistry. so basically it makes it look like my life is boring and i'm a complete nerd. both of which are true, so i guess it's a pretty good representation. but i'm going to try to be a little more exciting today.
a couple of weeks ago, my brother jay and his family came up from arizona for the weekend. it was so fun having 5 of my nieces and nephews here to chase around the volleyball court after the games. i love those kids so much! while they were here, we celebrated my dad's and my nephew caleb's birthdays and so i decided we should make liquid nitrogen ice cream. it was great! and i got a ton of the ice cream base and a huge dewar of liquid nitrogen so my roommates and i made some later on our kitchen floor. i love making that stuff. it makes me feel really intense.

this school year, i've had the blessing of serving in the relief society presidency in our ward. the other girls in the presidency are a few of the greatest girls i have ever met and they have taught me so much. they are so sweet and fun and we have some good times. one of those good times was the week before conference when we all drove up to salt lake together and went to the general relief society training meeting in the tabernacle.
there is a bit of a story behind this. sister doxey is a member of the general relief society board and also the mom of three people in our ward. she was in charge of putting together a slide show about visiting teaching for this meeting and she decided to put our ward in charge of getting pictures for it. so one saturday, she came down with a church photographer and we took pictures of the girls in our ward being the great visiting teachers they are: teaching each other to play the guitar, going to the temple together, cooking together, celebrating birthdays, studying together. it was really fun to be in these pictures and it got all of the sisters in our ward excited about visiting teaching. well, they showed this slide show this last week at the meeting so we weren't about to miss our debut.
the meeting was wonderful but the best part of the night was when we went up afterward to see sister doxey. she took us around to sister beck, sister allred, sister thompson and all the women on the board and introduced us to them. we felt like giddy little girls meeting our heroes. these women are incredible. the spirit was so strong in the meeting and i have learned, in that meeting and all year long, that relief society truly is an inspired organization. it has brought me so much joy and i am so grateful that i can be a part of it for the rest of my life.
now it's finals time and as always, i have been significantly less productive on reading days than i planned to be. why does this always happen?