
what did you do tonight?

i sat in a dark room with a bright firing laser (which can burn out your eyes), wearing awesome glasses, and staring at computer for 7 hours. yes that is how i spend my friday nights. i went in to work at 3. after helping us set up the instrument, my professor left at 5 saying "have fun, be safe" leaving me and one grad student, taylor to see how much we could accomplish before we went crazy. taylor's wife and baby showed up a couple of hours later with some food (thank goodness) then stayed and watched the office on the computer. and this whole time, taylor would collect data, send it to my computer, then i would go crazy trying to remember each step in the 13 step process i developed for analyzing the data which included using excel twice, matlab once, and scientist, a program written for windows 3.1 and which shuts down spastically after every run.

sometimes my life cracks me up. at least i was home by 10.

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