This morning we went to church at the Cambridge ward. It's a great little ward with this old lady who asks questions and talks incessantly. She's great. They are really excited to have 20 new temporary members and I think we'll probably all be teaching in Relief Society or Primary or something within the next couple of weeks. A lot of the students didn't get a chance to go to church today because they were traveling so tonight the bishop came and we had a mini Sacrament meeting in my room. Our bishop spoke, introducing us to the ward and giving us a talk. I've never had the chance to take the Sacrament in a small setting like that before, especially in my apartment, but it was really powerful and very comforting to have this so far away from home. I'm so grateful for the comforting consistency of the gospel and how it brings people together.
Mom goes home tomorrow so I said goodbye to her today. It was sad to say goodbye but I'm so grateful she could be here and we could spend that time together. I'm so grateful for everything she does for me and all of the support she gives me in everything I do.
Tomorrow I have orientation, library "induction", and my first class. Oh and I'm going running in about 7 hours. I'm a little scared but I'm excited to get started.
It is comforting to have the gospel and the church everywhere we go. I always feel especially grateful for having a ward to be involved in whenever we move. Sounds like you had a lovely day. (Except for the saying by to mom part!)
ReplyDeleteAnd man I want to come visit you SO bad!